Therapeutic Massage Los Angeles
Professional Massage Therapy


Welcome to Therapeutic Massage Los Angeles! 

Studies of the benefits of massage demonstrate that it is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension and can be a helpful tool in coping with anxiety and a wide range of health challenges. 

Practitioners are available with extensive training in a variety of massage modalities that can provide targeted treatment plans for clients with a range of needs. We take pride in providing personalized service that aims to address your needs through a whole mind/body holistic assessment and treatment and look forward to creating and maintaining a partnership with each client. Please visit our "Services and Rates" page for a summary of the basic services that are provided. 

We understand that many live very busy lives and scheduling time for yourself can be challenging. That is why we offer all our customized treatments by appointment. Be sure to contact us with any of your questions. We look forward to servicing you soon.

Be well !